Rising from the Ruins
Rising from the Ruins

Rising from the Ruins is an epic and imaginative story-journey, told
by Paul Herwig (Future Projections) through visuals and live music composed and performed by local composer and musician
Ben Siems. Presented in part in the style of a graphic novel, with original drawings by Belgian
performance artist and stage director Dirk Opstaele (Ensemble Leporello).
Project Details
Rising from the Ruins is an allegory that sets off from the banks of the
Owamniyomni, and travels down the rivers of time, history, and space to trace the resilience,
recovery, and renewal of all who are affected by its power and fragility.
Paul Herwig presents Rising from the Ruins as a projection performance within
the stunning architecture and walls of the Mill City Museum Ruin Courtyard, in the open air
and under the stars.
Music composed and performed by Ben Siems.
Presented in part in the style of a graphic novel, with original drawings by Belgian
artist Dirk Opstaele.