De Monte with Blue Notes
Performance during concert

Assembling, during a concert ("De Monte with Blue Notes", April 23, 2021) of a jig saw puzzle on the floor of the altar.
The geometrical design that progressively will appear in the puzzle, represents an ‘endless knot’, an ancient symbol
refering to the interconnectedness of everything in the universe.
Project Details
“De Monte with blue notes”
by Artrisjok productions, directed by Didier François.
Live streaming on April 23, at 20:00
The musical score is a composition by Michel Bisceglia and Didier François based on“Missa Si Ambulavero” Philippus De Monte’s composition:
a flemish madrigalist of the late Renaissance.
“De Monte with blue notes” is the opening concert of the Lunalia festival,
and is taking place in the Pieter and Paulus church of Mechelen, Belgium.
The video and audiorecording are in the hands of Pieterjan Seynaeve,
in cooperation with the theatre company Ensemble Leporello and the vocal ensemble Utopia
As a visual accompaniment of the concert, I, Dirk Opstaele,
will assemble a jig saw puzzle on the floor of the altar.
The geometrical design that progressively will appear in the puzzle,
represents an ‘endless knot’, an ancient symbol
refering to the interconnectedness of everything in the universe.